5 Ways on How to Make Money Welding on the Side

How to Make Money Welding on the Side

If you want to learn how to make money welding on the side, there could not be a better time. Getting started as a freelance welder is easier today than ever.

Many full-time welders make extra money on the weekend by doing side work. Some of these welders start a side business and move on to amazing entrepreneurial careers. But what are the ways to make money welding on the side? Read on.

Here are five ways to start a welding business on the side:

  • Start a mobile welding business
  • Create knickknack items
  • Build Things People Use Everyday
  • Contract work from local small businesses
  • Start a part-time weld repair shop

How to Make Money Welding on the Side

With creativity, research, and determination, you can get on track to a booming side hustle of a full-time entrepreneurial adventure. You will find many great ideas in this article to get off the ground.

Read through the suggestions and get to work. Pretty soon, you will be making money welding on the side or, perhaps, on your way to the ultimate success.

#1 Starting a mobile welding business

Welding for other businesses is the most common way to get started. It is common because many companies need welders but do not have them on staff.

Some people and places require welding services but do not want to go to the larger companies. If you can fill the gap with your small weekend operation, you could be well on your way to a nice side income.

Outside of manufacturers, contractors, and refineries, who needs welders? How about farmers? Many welders nationwide make a great side income by repairing farm equipment. Things like gates, plows, fencing, and other items always break.

Local farmers who know a reliable part-time welder will provide endless work. More importantly, farmers talk to each other. If you have a good reputation for doing good work, reasonable rates, and a pleasing personality, they will spread your name around, and you will start to get calls.

Plenty of other businesses need welding work done for the same reasons. They have equipment and facilities that break and need repairs fast.

For instance, I read about one man who made much money repairing trailers for farmers, furniture movers, and other companies.

Also, the entire housing industry regularly contracts part-time welders. There is plenty of work out there. Once your reputation and name get around town, you will eventually become your community’s go-to professional for welding jobs.

#2 Create knickknack items

Go to any fair, or farmers market, and you will see booths with knickknacks and tidbits for sale. Many of these items are made by welders as a part of their welding business side hustle.

Everything from sculptures and statues to useful items like key holders, gun racks, and lawn furniture is made by part-time welders. Many of these items were born out of necessity or simply for the fun of doing it.

These part-time welders are great at making small, useful items and enjoy creating artistic renderings. I’ve seen all kinds of fun and interesting sculptures and yard art created by the part-time “weekend welders” for sale at fairs and festivals nationwide.

They are also sold online on social media and through websites galore. A knickknack welding business can be fun and lucrative if creative and industrious.

Some items you might consider are things like BBQ fire ring stands. These are fitted over fire pits and campfires, are easily made quickly, and are popular items among shoppers.

Or how about a cornhole scorekeeper. Such a popular summer game should have a nice scorekeeper. Adding drink holders will not only increase the popularity, but it will also increase the value. That is smart business.

#3 Create Things People Need

There are plenty of opportunities if you can create stuff people need. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you can make a couple dozen of them over the weekend, plenty of people will buy.

I’m not suggesting that you make wheels. What is being offered is that there are plenty of items that people need but are in short supply. If you can make these items well, you could start a small enterprise supplying your regional market.

For instance, skid loader buckets. Farmers and contractors use these all the time. You could build these on the weekend and sell them in batches to local hardware stores or feed stores.

You could sell them by consignment or set up your shop stand. You can also drive around to different construction sites. If you have a few basic sales skills, you could make a surprisingly good side hustle from an idea like that.

Use your creativity, look for things people need that you can supply, and get to work.

#4 Contract work for local small businesses

Doing small jobs for local businesses is a great way to get started if you want to go full-time as a freelance welder.

Local companies often have small jobs that need to be done, and if you can fill the demand for that work, you will be well on your way.

You have to be reliable, professional and have a pleasing attitude. You will get a lot of work if you have those things and are good at your job.

Many larger operations need small tasks accomplished but do not have the time or available workers. If you make yourself available to these companies, they will call you when these small tasks arise.

It is as easy as printing business cards, going from business to business, and passing them out. You can even start a business page on Facebook or make a small website. This will add to your professional look.

If you get started this way on the side, it can quickly blossom into a full-time job. If your long-term goal is to work for yourself as a welder, this is a great way to get the ball rolling.

As long as you remain professional and good to your word, your reputation will precede you, and eventually, you will be known in your area as one of the top freelance welders.

#5 Start a part-time welding repair shop

You can start a part-time repair shop to make money welding on the side and have the available workspace.

This option has the added benefit of being a launching pad for bigger and better things. You can keep it part-time, or you can build a substantial business.

This is a fantastic option if you do not want to do mobile welding repair. Many would rather have their customers come to them than drive out to job sites.

It also saves much on vehicle maintenance, fuel, and auto insurance. Opening a repair shop might be a great option if you don’t want to haul welding equipment around town.

A really interesting component of opening a welding shop is word of mouth. Something about having a shop stimulates word-of-mouth advertising.

Your reputation for quality work will spread quickly, and you might have to start a waiting list. Ensure you are doing well and maintaining a professional, safe working environment.

3 Tips Before You Start a Welding Side Business

There are some basic business things you will need to think about.

#1 License and Permits

You might be required to get a specialized license or business permit. You will want to check with laws in your area to ensure everything is in order.

#2 Certifications

You may also need safety certifications. Welding is dangerous, and it might be a good idea to check with local authorities so you know what to do. A great place to start is with a phone call to the local fire department.

#3 Business Skills

You should also have a grasp of basic business skills. You will be required to keep business records. Basic accounting skills will go a long way toward your success when starting.

It is also smart to learn a few of the basics of sales and marketing. If any of these things seem difficult or out of your wheelhouse, you could always look for retired business people looking for something to do or go to your local community college and post an ad on the job board.

Many options are available if you want to make money welding on the side. Take your time, figure out what you want to do, and get started. If you stick to it and do quality work, you could easily enjoy a cool side hustle or build a lucrative business. The choice is yours.

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