7 Ways to Make Money Welding Art Even if You’re a Beginner

If you are welding art, chances are you will want to make some money off of it. It can be hard to find places to sell and market your welding art, as they aren’t as common as paintings or sculptures. However, that doesn’t mean that selling welding art is impossible because you can find a market for it somewhere. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look.
You can make money welding art on websites like eBay, Etsy, and your own website, while marketing your work on Youtube, Pinterest, and Facebook. Once you find your audience and build your brand, people will be looking out for your art and your art specifically. It will take some time and effort, but it will pay off in the end.
While most people throw their welding art up on eBay and call it a day, the truly successful artists who are making good money have a community built around them. They know the secrets of not just selling but marketing their art and creating a brand too, and that is the best way to make some real money. The best part is that money comes for both the short and long term too.
Places You Can Sell Welding Art
Creating art out of metal is a unique art form that not everyone can do. It requires mastery of your craft, lots of practice, and an eye for making the metal into something beautiful that someone will want to put on display.
Not everyone can do it, and those people who do weld art, are the ones who think outside the box and see things everyday artists don’t see.
When selling your art, you want to think outside the box as well. Welding isn’t as mainstream as painting or sculpting out of clay or stone, so your selling needs to be unique as well. You might not be fighting the mainstream crowd, but you are fighting for attention.
So how do you sell your art when the odds are stacked against you? Well, there are seven ways to learn how make money welding art, and you can quickly turn them all into marketing tools as well.
1. Start with Etsy
Esty is one of the best places to sell your artwork, and it has a very active welding art community as well. You can create an account, post pictures, and a description of your artwork, and then set a price and give potential customers a way to contact you.

Plus, you can chat and connect with other artists and see their welded art portfolios and what they are doing. It’s a perfect way to meet with people who are doing the same thing you are and make some connections in the business.
Etsy is also an excellent place to have your portfolio of things you want to sell and display. You can share your Etsy store page with potential clients and add a bit of professionalism to your resume and job application.
2. Use eBay to List Your Welding Art for Free
While eBay is more of a general store and not as big nor as art-focused as Etsy, it still has a section for welded art.

With one simple account, you can post all the things you want to sell, and eBay often encourages multiple pictures, allowing you to showcase your work from different angles.
Additionally, you can quickly put all the information about your sculpture in the description, giving both you and the customers reminders about what your welded art is made of and its dimensions.
Quick Tip: Make sure your art is searchable on eBay. Your listing’s title should have the words Welding Art in the title so it can be easily found.
Even though it’s not as big as Etsy, it is still something that gets your art out into the world, and that is something you can market.
3. Use Pinterest to Drive Interest
One of the best things about Pinterest is the fact that it is a purely visual medium. It only pictures, with no articles or videos cluttering things up.
People can quickly lose hours scrolling and clicking their way through the endless sea of images, and some of those images might be yours.

If people type in ‘welded art,’ then they will see your work, and you can provide keywords to make your welded art pop up more frequently when specific criteria are searched up. Additionally, Pinterest links to things, and every image shows where it came from.
If you want to bring people to your Etsy or your store page, then post the image on Pinterest first, and then when they click on the image, they will be sent to your site.
4. Do a Youtube TimeLapse Video
What’s a better way to show off your art than with a video?
There’s something about having the camera move around a 3-D art piece that is much more immersive than a picture, and your customers can see every nook and cranny of what they are buying. You can also explain the process and share stories about the origin and process of making the piece.
Or you can do one better and do a time-lapse video of you making your art. With a time-lapse, you can knock the very long process of making welded art into a much shorter format while still allowing your audience to look into your strategy and how the hunks of metal become the art they want to buy.
Here is a great example of what I’m talking about.
Time-lapses do wonderfully on Youtube, and if you include a call to action at the end of your video, then you can draw your viewers to your Etsy page or website.
5. Build a Website That Shows What You Do
While most people think of a website as a way to sell their work, it is also a fantastic marketing tool.
You can put a portfolio of all your work into one place and share several pictures all over the website.

The best part is, making a good website and store page with WordPress is not only easy, but it’s also free!
Plus, if you want to share your work with potential clients and audience members alike, a website is the perfect platform to share new ideas, articles about your craft, pictures of works in progress, and sales on your work.
Every welding artist should have a website, and that website should be the hub for every single thing you do.
That way, your audience won’t have to chase you around the internet to get updates and information; they can just go to one place.
6. Build Your Own Unique Brand

One of the best ways to separate your welding art from the art of others is to have a brand.
A brand is simply something you are known for, something that is uniquely yours, and something that everyone can recognize as yours. Let’s say that you always use bright, vibrant colors in your welding art.
That could be your brand and your way to make money welding art. You can incorporate your unique bright colored style into your marketing plan and your art.
Quick Tip: Think like Bob Ross here. Bob Ross was known for drawing pictures of forests and mountains. What are you going to be known for?
Then your audience will know you for that, and instead of being someone who welds art, you’ll be known as the person who ‘welds art with all those bright colors.’
A brand is what gets any business recognized, and the sooner you find yours, the sooner you can start making money with your work.
7. Facebook With a Twist
Facebook is a perfect community builder for your art, and once you build your audience, then Facebook is the perfect place for them to gather.
People can talk about your art, ask you questions, and you can share events and information in real-time. It’s just a perfect way to talk with your audience and show them that you care.

A cool milestone reward you can hit is doing a Facebook live. If you make a certain amount of money, get a certain amount of followers, or sell a certain number of welded art pieces, then you can do a stream and not only talk to your fans but also show them your progress,
You can create a piece of art in real-time, explaining what you are doing and the choices that you are making with the metal.
Maybe as an added bonus, everyone on the stream can pre-order the finished product or get a coupon code or discount once the project is done.
Plus, live streams can be a fun way to share your talent with others and show your fans just how hard you work to give them the art that they love so much.
Think Like A Marketer
You might have noticed that only two of these places were online stores, and the rest were different places to show off your art or connect with the people who might buy it.
Merely placing your stuff on a website and waiting for the fans to roll in is not a good idea; instead, you need to be proactive.
Put your work everywhere you can, share your process and progress, and communicate about your welded art.
If you want to know how to make money welding art, thinking like a marketer is the best way to get the answer. Then you’ll really see progress.